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Title: Evaluation of spotlight counts of whitetailed deer.

Author(s): Fafarman, K. R. and C. A. DeYoung.

Year: 1980

Abstract: Spotlight counts were conducted by vehicle along a 10 mile (16.1 km) route on the Welder Wildlife Refuge, Texas during August-October 1976 and 1977. A single deer observer was used, who counted deer seen on the left side of the road. Counts were conducted during 4 nightly time periods. Regression analysis revealed that environmental factors account for little of the variation in the number of deer spotlighted. Of the environmental factors examined, temperature and relative humidity were the most important. When compared to helicopter surveys, the 1976 spotlight counts gave acceptable data, while the 1977 spotlight counts tended to overestimate the population. Spotlight counts showed a high precision. Analysis of covariance showed that time period had a significant effect on the number of deer counted. Spotlight counts appeared to give acceptable data on sex ratio, but fawn survival data tended to be low. ANOVA showed that month of count had a significant effect on fawn survival means. The spotlight technique provides a cost effective method for obtaining population information in a shrubland habitat. Recommendations for conducting spotlight counts are included.