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Title: An Evaluation Of GPS Sized Expandable Radio Collars Designed For White-tailed Deer Fawns

Author(s): Zachary G. Wesner, Tyler R. Obermoller, Andrew S. Norton, David A. Osborn, Gino J. D'Angelo

Year: 2020

Abstract: Integrating GPS technology with expandable collars will allow researchers to more efficiently investigate survival and movements of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) fawns. During 2018-2019, we tested fit and function of 5 GPS-sized expandable collar designs on fawns at Whitehall Deer Research Facility, Athens, GA. We fitted 46 fawns with collars (20 Vectronic Vertex v1.0, 3 Telonics TGW v1.0, 3 Telonics Recon v1.0, 10 Vectronic Vertex v2.0, 10 Telonics TGW v2.0) and ear-tagged 15 control fawns without collars. We conducted observations of fawns to evaluate potential effects of collars on behavior. The expandable folds of 88% (14 of 16) of Telonics collars expanded prematurely by 59 ± 2 (mean ± SD) days, resulting in extremely loose collars. To date, 94% (15 of 16) of Telonics collars failed (slipped or removed) before 365 days, lasting 89 ± 39 days before failure. Overall, expandable folds of Vectronic collars did not exhibit premature expansion and sufficiently accommodated neck growth of fawns during the first year. We found 17% (5 of 30) of Vectronic collars shed before 365 days, slipping at 174 ± 75 days. Notable effects of collars on fawn behavior included high-stepping during locomotion and erratic jumping, most prevalent in Vectronic fawns ?1 month of age. Our results suggest these GPS collars would benefit from additional modifications before use in the field, including improved stitching pattern and thread, smaller battery housings, improved weight distribution, and smaller band circumference.